A closet

named desire.

It may be a need or a dream but it doesn’t have to be an unattainable desire. If the time has come to forget about the closet because you want to have your own closet, talk to us. We will create your personal gallery, in your style and tailored to your space. Even if it is small.


No two are alike. Each closet is a challenge with very particular requirements. It depends on you, the space you have, and how you want to organize it. Have you seen something that inspires you?



We tailor it to take advantage of the space and to respect your personality. Choose everything from finishes, accessories, doors, drawers, and shelves. It’s your closet.



We are capable of providing solutions to everything. What works best for you is having rods for each type of clothing? An island for accessories? A gallery for your footwear?



It can be in an attic, in a bedroom access area, or in a room that you have available. Tell us where you want to create your walk-in closet and we will take care of the project.
The design is tailored, the finishes are premium, and the accessories are many and clever.

Request quote

If you already have an idea of what you wish for and all you need is a customized quote, tell us all about it. All you have to do is gather the information about your project and fill out the form.

Make a wish.

It doesn’t matter if the space is big or small. We are experts at turning difficult challenges around. We design to size, for your space, with your criteria, and as far as your budget dictates. What is a priority for your closet?

Welcome to the Studio

Are you an architect, a decorator, an interior designer, a construction or rehabilitation company? Talk to the STUDIO. Our office dedicated to professionals offers personalized technical service, project design, exclusive solutions, and special conditions. We are here to make your idea come to life.


1. O que tenho de ter claro ao pensar num closet?

O espaço de que dispõe e o tipo de arrumação que precisa. Uma análise prévia de como o quer organizar pode ajudar a nossa equipa a desenhar as melhores soluções para si.

2. Como sei se posso ter um closet num determinado espaço?

Se tiver dúvidas, agende uma visita ás nossas lojas ou solicite contato por telefone ou vídeo chamada. Se for o caso, uma equipa técnica deslocar-se-á para verificação de espaço e medidas.

3. Podem ampliar o meu quarto para criar um closet?

Não realizamos obras de estrutura ou habilitação de espaços. Desenvolvemos o projeto á medida para a área que tiver disponível e desenhamos e instalamos o mobiliário e acessórios.

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Doors, Panels and Floors

Feeling curious?

Come and visit us.

If you are looking for ideas, come take a closer look at the options available and get inspired by the décor displays in our showroom. Schedule a personalized visit to your nearest store and get advice from our team, in all tranquility and safety.
Book your prefered time.